Please click the relevant image to either read our Expense Policy or to access the relevant form for your claim.
Please share transport wherever possible - it's good for the environment, and good for the County as it means that funds can be spent on more valuable activities for one and all.
As well as taking advantage of the fantastic coaching opportunities that are available from the County, it is imperative for players to compete as much as they can in both stroke play and match play events at county, regional and national level. This is one of the most important ways of gaining the experience required to become a Complete Golfer.
The County may provide financial assistance to players taking part in these events, though it is very important to understand that the level of assistance that is available varies widely depending on the Coaching Squad that a player is a member of. The full list of events that qualify for assistance can be obtained from the County Coaching Chairman.
If you are a member of a County Coaching Squad, and you are in any doubt as to the level of assistance that is available to you, then please contact your Coaching Squad Manager.
Each claim for assistance must be accompanied by receipts for all costs except entry fees and mileage. If you need to claim expenses for an event that you have played in, please download a copy of the claim form and return it the the Head of Performance for approval.
Most importantly of all from a coaching perspective, you must also return statistics relating to your performance at each event for which you claim expenses. Most players use the County Coaching Stats System for this, but we are happy for players to use an alternative system as long as it provides at least the same level of information - we haven't found many that do, but are happy to recommend UpGame for the most committed players of which is used by England Golf
If you choose to use the County Coaching Stats System then you can s ubmit an electronic return by email to the County Coaching Chairman - to do this you will need to have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer.